
Property developer Urbanise reports 46 per cent growth

Market News, Real Estate
ASX:UBN      MCAP $27.73M
17 April 2019 22:34 (AEDT)

Property software developers Urbanise has reported a nine-month increase of 46 per cent. The reported revenue for the nine-month period has been recorded at $6 million.

Urbanise operate and developed a cloud-based platform to help asset owners manage their property.

Urbanise CEO Saurabh Jain says the company is focused on a go-to-market strategy.

“The Company continues to build on its strong market position in the Australian, South African, and Middle East regions and is well positioned for future growth,”

“Aligning our cost base with our revenue is a key priority of the Board and management team as we make progress in delivering our shareholders a profitable company” Jain also said.

Company expenses decreased by 32 percent.

Monthly cash flow increased over $600 thousand.

Urbanise application features include strata management, building services and property related financial transactions.

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