
Property group DomaCom jumps 20 per cent in 75 Days

Market News, Real Estate
ASX:DCL      MCAP $6.479M
17 April 2019 00:34 (AEDT)

DomaCom opened up 7.41 per cent on the ASX today after the property investing platform reported an increase of 20 percent in the past 75 days.

DomaCom’s offers investors to make fractional investments on the property and mortgage-backed securities. The company also hit a $50 million Funds Under Management milestone.

DomaCom boasts investment in residential properties, renewable energy development projects, rural farmland, and disability housing.

DomaCom CEO Arthur Naoumidis says the company’s platform has increased importance as large banks continue to retract from investing in the property market.

“DomaCom is in ongoing discussions with financial advisers that are looking to use our fractional investing platform and, now that we have a significant debt facility ‘at the ready’, they can utilise this property investment platform for their [self managed super fund] clients,”

“Furthermore, the potential for a change in Federal Government, and the changes that the Labour Party has already flagged for investment property, could result in DomaCom being one of the few remaining legal ways to access debt for property investment,” he said.

Please see the announcement attached

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