
The global economy on the path to recovery

The Market Online Thematica
13 July 2020 15:46 (AEST)


Growth rate to rebound, but sub-par activity level

Source: J.P. Morgan Economic Research , J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Guide to the Markets – Australia. Data as of 30 June 2020

The reopening of the global economy should mark April as the low point of this recession. But the road to a full recovery is long.

Governments and central banks keep the stimulus coming

Source: Bank of England, Bank of Japan, Bloomberg Finance L.P., European Central Bank, U.S. Federal Reserve, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. *New purchases of bonds are based on period to period changes in average holdings during the quarter across various asset purchase programs as reported by each respective G4 central bank (the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve), announced purchase plans of these central banks and J.P. Morgan Asset Management projections, converted to common currency by average quarterly exchange rates.Guide to the Markets Australia.
Data as of 30 June 2020.

The scale of monetary and fiscal stimulus around the world is unprecedented.

An old foe returns

Source: 270 to Win, Real Clear Politics, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. *In 2016 Trump earned 306 pledged electors, Clinton 232. They lost, respectively, two and five votes to faithless electors in the official tally. **51 seats are needed for a simple majority if the dominant party in the Senate is not represented in the White House. If the president and majority party are the same, only 50 seats are needed for a majority because the vice president casts the tie-breaking vote. 2016 numbers include two independents that vote with the Democrats.
Guide to the Markets – Australia. Data as of 30 June 2020.

As policymakers and businesses are struggling with the impact of COVID-19, Washington has dialed up its pressure on Beijing via export restrictions on technology products and threatened to delist Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges.

Investment Implications

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