
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani tests positive for COVID-19

World News
07 December 2020 15:47 (AEST)

Source: The Boston Globe

Former Mayor of New York and personal attorney of U.S. President Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for COVID-19.

The news was first revealed earlier today by President Trump on Twitter. In the tweet, President Trump hailed Rudy as the “greatest mayor in the history of NYC” and wished him well.

The former mayor has been leading the Trump campaign’s myriad of legal cases in different U.S. states in an effort to overturn the Biden/Harris win in the 2020 presidential election.

Alongside Donald Trump, Rudy has made several major accusations of voter fraud and election misconduct. So far, none of the hearings has resulted in any changes to the election result.

The former mayor commented on his condition a few hours after President Trump’s tweet, saying he’s “getting great care and feeling good”.

While he didn’t confirm whether he has been hospitalised, the New York Times and several other news outlets have reported that he is being treated in Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington DC.

Trump’s lawyer has caught flak over recent weeks for travelling around the States to hold hearing-style events and press conferences without wearing a mask.

In fact, last week he asked a witness in one of the hearings to remove her mask so the audience could hear her better. She refused.

The Trump campaign has not confirmed when Rudy contracted the virus, though the lawyer’s son, Andrew, tested positive last month alongside Donald Trump Jr and other members of the President’s inner circle.

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