Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX:WBC)

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About Westpac Banking Corporation

Key Information

WBC In the News

Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX:WBC) has reported a final year net profit after…
Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX:WBC) has appointed a new Group CEO and Managing…
Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX:WBC) told investors that its profits had increased in…
Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX: WBC) has maintained that it’s tracking solidly within…

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Frequently Asked Questions

What ASX sector is WBC?
WBC belongs to the Banking and Financial Services sector. Their Principal Activity is the provision of financial services including lending, deposit taking, payments services, investment portfolio management and advice, superannuation and funds management, insurance services, leasing finance, general finance, interest rate risk management and foreign exchange services.
When did WBC list on the ASX?
WBC has been listed on the ASX since 1970, known as The Bank Of New South Wales at the time.
Where is WBC based?
WBC's head office is located in Sydney, Australia. The corporation also maintains offices in Europe, USA and Asia.

Finance Sector News

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