
Democrats close the gap in Georgia senate runoff

World News
06 January 2021 19:16 (AEST)

Source: The Independent

A Democrat-controlled senate draws closer as candidate Raphael Warnock flips the seat in Georgia and claims victory over Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler.

Warnock released an election night video message to followers as victory drew near, saying “with hope and hard work anything is possible.”

The victory suggests an interesting turn of the tide for the once Republican stronghold, as Warnock becomes the first Georgia Democrat to be elected to the Senate in 20 years.

The overall election outcome now hinges on the concurrent race between GOP David Perdue and opposition Jon Osoff, which remains in a dead heat with less than 10000 votes between the two candidates.

This race is crucial for both parties in that the victor determines which party will gain control of the U.S. senate.

The Perdue campaign has called for “time and transparency” while the remaining votes trickle in.

Vote counting in Hancock County is still yet to be finalised, however Politico figures indicate Democratic candidate Osoff has nearly 72 per cent of the vote in the deciding precinct.

Ballot staff have been sent home for the day with 98 per cent of expected votes counted for the entire state of Georgia.

All major U.S. news outlets seems to be holding off on calling an overarching victor, as Georgia officials indicate it is unlikely we will get a definitive result tonight.

Georgia has been a hot topic in U.S. politics recently after an hour-long phone conversation was leaked detailing the outgoing U.S. President Trump’s attempts to persuade Georgia’s Secretary of State to “find 11,780 votes” to reverse his loss in the state.

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